Cloth Diapering



You may want to grab a beer for this one, ha.

Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.

Re: Stoneycakes

  • Ha ha!  Perfect timing.  It's naptime.  Checking it out right now.
  • OMG! I just wrote you this huge response with beautifully articulated thoughts and freaking hit something on the keyboard that erased it!  Now DS is awake and displeased with my lack of attention to him.  I will put some wine in the fridge to ch
  • Loading the player...
  • imagestoneycakes:
    OMG! I just wrote you this huge response with beautifully articulated thoughts and freaking hit something on the key
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • DS has terrible reflux tonight and I've put him to bed a million times already.  Promise I will get back to you tomorrow Smile
  • No prob! Hope he stays down for you soon and you can get some rest. Sleep issues suck.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
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