DH and I have started hashing this out, and it has become readily apparent that the names I like best (Hugo, Asa, Leo, etc.) are not going to fly. That's ok ? I was not 100% in love with any of them.
The current front-runners all have family significance of one sort or another, but they also have drawbacks. The MN will be my maiden name. Please let me know what you think:
Samuel nn Sam: Pros: We love Sam, and like Samuel. We have not yet found another S name that we like better that would let us use Sam as a nn. Cons: our last name is pretty common as well. It's not that I mind using a popular, classic name, it's just that if you put Samuel Lastname into Wikipedia, there are already six of them (most born during the colonial era).
Conrad: Pros: It would make my MIL really happy (her dad's name) and it's not super popular. Cons: It's not really my style ? I tend to like names with fewer harsh consonants, and we really are nn people, but Conrad would just be Conrad.
Finnegan nn Finn: Pros: Family meaning, cute nn. Cons: I'm not loving the ethnicity mismatch between Finn and DD's name (Amalia nn Molly). One of the things we love about DD's name is that it works in a lot of different languages, and Finn doesn't cross those boundaries as well.
Re: Current Top 3: Sam, Conrad, Finn
my first thought was that while Amalia & Finn may seem mismatched...Molly & Finn certainly DO NOT. they go together super perfectly.
Samuel CommonLastName would annoy me, but there is nothing wrong with a strong classic boys name im
My vote goes to Finnegan nn Finn. Molly and Finn make an adorable sibset.
Phineas (although it might not have the same family significance) and Amalia work together.
I like Sam, but I understand your apprehension when it comes to a common FN and LN. I don't necessarily think it's a deal breaker though.
I'm not a fan of Conrad, and if you aren't either then I wouldn't necessarily try to please your MIL.
<pD 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013
Molly and Finn are like peas and carrots to me! So cute & Irish.
My son is Finn. So, I'm obviously biased. But I just hate all this Finnegan, Finley, Finnick, business. Especially if you just want to call him Finn.
<"A new baby is like the beginning of all things--wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."
Does this mean you found out you're having a boy?
Of the three, I like Sam the best, but I'm with you on not digging how common it is with your ln. It does go great with Molly/Amalia, though!
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
I think Samuel/Sam is probably going to be the most universally liked name on the list. Our family was really pushing for us to use this name with DS2 but I am not using it because 1) bad associations from being a teacher and 2) DS1 goes by the n
Of the 3 I like Conrad best. Strong, underused, but familiar.
My second choice would be Finnegan/Finn. It doesn't bother me too much that the origins of your children's names aren't perfectly matched. I like a little diversity.
I have a very common last name. If you Google James LN, my DS1, you get a million hits. If you throw in his mn, it is unique. DH really wanted to use Richard for our DS1's mn but I did not want a common FN MN LN all paired together. Luckily, we had ano