So these may be silly questions, but just things I was thinking about and wanted to ask before I make my final registry purchases.
I plan to babywear and bed share and thus was not planning to buy a stroller, swing, bouncy, pack and play, etc. I have a wrap and figured I could use that when out and about and around the house getting things done. However, it just occurred to me- what about dinner time? If Spouse and I sit down to eat together, is one of us eating while holding the baby or having her in the wrap? I'd probably drop food all over her! Would having a swing for her or a pack and play might be useful in that situation? Similarly, is it safe for me to be in the kitchen cooking with the baby in a wrap? Thinking about the flame from the stove and the heat from the kitchen in general (assuming that Spouse won't be home when I'm starting dinner so I'll be on my own).
...I may have more questions to come. TIA!
Re: Possibly silly FTM questions
My baby only liked to be worn for naps. This "just wear that baby while you do housework!" business that I had been expecting was NOT my reality at all! So I had a bouncer and activity mat in the living room, and a cosleeper that lived in the kitc
Here is my two cents:
I baby wore for most of my maternity leave using my Moby and it worked great for me and DS. He napped in it pretty much all day. I ate all three meals (or let's face it
Those are not dumb questions at all! With my DD I tried to wear her as much as possible, but sometimes it wasn't always feasible and sometimes I just needed a break
I got a vibrating chair that she ended up really liking, and it was awes
You shouldn't cook while wearing baby in front, it's not safe.
It's not feasible to wear your baby 100% of the time. Occasionally setting your LO down in a swing or bouncy seat or whatever is ok. I found the PnP completely useless.
You can do a lot with a wrap/carrier on, including cooking. Though I would say only do what you're comfortable with.
As for a swing and bouncer, DS1 hated both, but DS2 used them a lot. I would get something like that off of Craigslist (or borro
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
Not silly at all! I don't have a lot of space, and I was given a lot of carriers/slings (I have 7 different kinds) so I didn't want any of that stuff. My SILs said to get the bouncy seat, so we got that ahead of time, the rest we waited to see what kin
My advice is to go with the flow. I'm personally don't consider myself full-on AP but I did baby-wear and breastfeed and I believe in gentle parenting and all that jazz.
You do not need a bazillion gizmos and gadgets prior to having a baby.
Married 6/28/03
Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10
4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014
No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.
"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens
I babywore a lot. Especially around the house.
BUT I still made use of the bouncer and pack n play. In the earliest days, the little guy slept in the pack n play while we ate dinner. Later I tended to eat while he napped or afte
I babywore all the time, and plan to again, but for me a stroller is/was an absolute must. Long outings, like the zoo get tedious when your hauling around a baby + a diaper bag. Even if you wear baby most of the time, just having a stroller to keep stu
I didn't have a choice but to eat while holding DD. She wouldn't have it any other way! Until she was old enough to sit at the table with us (around 6 months) DH had to cut up all my food for me so I could eat. DD would normally nurse throughout dinner
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
My suggestion is to put a stroller, swing, and pack and play on your registry. I consider myself to be pretty AP but I still got plenty of use out of these things. I loved my Chicco travel system stroller because when DD fell asleep in the