So I had my second u/s today... Last week there was only a small gestational sac, this week there is now a very small yolk sac... So there was a small progression made, so that's a positive!
But still no exact due date yet... Based on lmp I'm 7 weeks, but she thinks, based on measurements, I'm more around 5 weeks which would out me around December 9th ish...
just thought I'd keep everyone updated! I go back in 2 weeks for another check...
Re: My second dating u/s today...
My /Chart; BFP 3/8/11 CP 3/16/11; 7/11 HSG & S/A both clear;
Cycle 12~ 50 mg Clomid=BFP 9/9/11, Beta #1=280 & Beta #2=1513, 6w3d hb=122 bpm/ 8w2d hb=186 bpm/12w2d could not hear hb had a 3rd u/s and got to see the hb. 16w2d heard the hb! 156 bpm. A/S 1/3=girl
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FX for you! lots of positive T&P your way. If your due on December 9thish that's crazy! I'm due December 8th! but i don't have my 1st dr visit until may 2nd!