

Well, on the 7th day at home Fowler woke up with a stuffy nose. The pollen here is red alert level but we hsve been keeping him in.

So happy we went with the pediatrician with 24 hr nurse call line! S he had us start saline drops, steamy showers, elevated head, and humidifier. Well, Sunday he developed a slight cough and was very lethargic. The most disconcerning thing was his rapid breathing then slowing to a stop. We called the nurse and went to the er early Sun morning.

He was evaluated and hus heartrate and o2 saturation were perfect. The er doc watched hid breathing and said it was ok...not apena and not causing distress.

We saw the pedi today for follow up. He says the baby's body is working as it ahould. That we need to keep him hydrated and work to keep the mucus thin so his body can get it out. He said his lungs sound good and the cough was necessary to get it all out.

I feel good with his assessment. I think the hardest thing is believing his body is working quote normally.

Of everything we are doing warm steamy showers and using the bulb siringe seem to be helping the most.

I sure hope this clears up soon!
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Re: Sick

  • Hope your LO feels better soon!
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  • Thanks ladies. I will try the feeezer door trick for aure we are trting to keep the house cool and him warm! His nasal stuffyness is about if we can kick the cough!
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