
Pulmonary hypertension in preemie

Anyone have any experience wth pulmonary hypertension?? We just got a follow up echo done for a PDA and now it shows pulmonary hypertension. And small PDA . So worried.
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Re: Pulmonary hypertension in preemie

  • My DD had a PDA, a pulmonary fistula and pulmonary hypertension.  The PDA was closed with indocin while in the NICU, the fistula closed at 13 months and the pulmonary hypertension finally resolved at 15 months.  She was never treated with med

    mom to V; 25 weeker born at 1lb 7oz
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • just saw your ticker.  Thats around the age when my DD was diagnosed.  Did they say how bad the pressures are?  Are they considering viagra treatment?  Is your baby still on a ventilator?
    mom to V; 25 weeker born at 1lb 7oz
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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  • Thanks everyone she was born at 24 weeks and is now 34 weeks so 10 weeks old. The previous echos didn't show the pulmonary htn until this echo. She has been off the vent for a month and is on vapor therm nasal cannula .
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