So I'm 7 wks 3 days and trying my hardest to quit smoking. It's been harder with this pregnancy than my first two. My doctor said she didn't want me to quit cold turkey but to wean myself off. I went from 1/2 a pack a day to about 4 a day. But it's that last four a day I'm having a hard time kicking. I got an e cig and do one or two puffs off of that when I'm having a craving. Hopefully I can slowly wean myself off nicotine. Anyone else use the e cigs? Is it as harmful as cigs are. Ugh quitting is so hard this time around
Re: E cigs
Connor - 12/15/10 Abby - EDD 11/29/13
BFP #1 11/07/2012 EDD 07/09/2013 M/C 11/22/2012
BFP #2 02/05/2013 EDD 09/19/2013 Arrived via c-section 09/27/2013
NO cigarette is good period. I used to smoke and quit cold turkey about 3 years ago. I did smoke a few while planning my wedding because my dad is like Hitler. But it is mostly a will power thing.
I would try to chew gum instead - e
I was a smoker with my first pregnancy. I didn't find out I was pregnant until 8 weeks, and had smoked maybe 1/2-1 pack per day. The day I got the positive test, I went outside, smoked like 3 cigarettes to collect myself, and commi
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."
BFP! 04/26/11 - DS born 12/28/11 - BFP #2! 04/02/13 - DD born 12/11/13 -
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