Colorado Babies

Has anyone delivered at Swedish? Did you have a good experience?

I am 35 weeks, and my plan is to deliver at Mountain Midwifery. Their backup hospital is Swedish, so I am wondering what it would be like to deliver there if I were to transfer. Statistically, I have a 12% chance of this happening.

I am hoping for a natural birth, but if I were to transfer to Swedish, it would be because my midwife had tried the natural birth thing with me and it didn't work. So if I were at Swedish, I would probably need birthing interventions like Pitocin, assisted delivery by forceps/ vacuum, or a Cesarean Birth. I am totally open to all these interventions at Swedish. I just want a healthy baby, even though I want to try natural birth at MM. I have been told that 50% of the moms who transfer from Mountain Midwifery need a Cesarean Birth to have a healthy baby, so I guess I am wondering about moms who gave birth via Cesarean at Swedish as well as moms who birthed vaginally.

Hubby and I took a hospital tour, and my impression of the hospital was that they were good about maintaining the family-baby bond during and following Cesarean birth, like they promote skin to skin as much as possible with either Mom/ Dad, depending on the Mom/ baby condition, but at the same time, you could tell it was an old hospital. They even mentioned that some of the mother-baby recovery rooms would require you to share a bathroom/ shower with other postpartum moms. Sounds gross, especially if I have a 4 night stay for a Cesarean birth, but I guess I will pack my flip-flops. 



Re: Has anyone delivered at Swedish? Did you have a good experience?

  • Delivered at Swedish and loved it!  I had to be on pitocin but was able to deliver unmediated. They were respectful of our choices and even told me, "hey this is your birth not ours"

    definitley have an alternate birth plan typed up if you ha

    Baby Boy born on 1/14/13
  • I delivered at Swedish and they were amazing!! The nurses were so sweet and caring and helpful. We plan on delivering there again.
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