Attachment Parenting

Boba 3g Carrier question

Do any of you have this carrier?  What do you like or dislike about it?  I was thinking of ordering one before LO is due.  I've read the chart on The Portable Baby with info about a bunch of different carriers to try and figure out which would be best for me.  I really like this one because it says it's good for people who are shorter, which I am.  I'm 5 feet tall.  It also says it fits bigger people well without needing an extender around the waist.  I don't doubt that my husband would wear it if I got it and he's 6'3".  I know the Ergo is another popular choice.  Not sure how well it would fit me.  I need to decide on something soon though.  I wore my DD occasionally in the Bjorn when she was little before I knew about the hip stuff that goes along with it.  I hated that thing anyway.  It absolutely killed my back.  She loved to be worn though.  Any input you all could give me would be much appreciated!
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Re: Boba 3g Carrier question

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