How long after you began TTC until you got pregnant? I had the paragard IUD removed about 2 months ago and am soooooo antsy! I got prenant right away with my son but had not taken any sort of birth control for close to 5 years.
Thanks ladies and happy pregnancies!!
Re: Question for 2nd time pregnant momma's
I had the Mirena for about 1.5 years. I got it removed last March and didn't get pregnant until this March. It really messed up my cycles and hormone levels (which caused other health issues over the past couple months). I was very su
My Ovulation Chart
One time.
I didn't have my period yet from my previous child, so we decided to just wing it. I got a positive only 6 days later. It was actually quite a bit of a shock because I tried to use those ovulation strips and wasn't ovulating nor gettin
It took us about six months. We had it so easy with my son that I began getting frustrated with this one. I was actually surprised to get the BFP this month.
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