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We had family pictures taken mid-March. This was by far one of my faves!
6 year old daughter
Fraternal boys born on May 11, 2013 at 36 weeks 4 days
Me:40 AMA, DH:36 0% morph, TTC#1;BFP#1 4/2011, MMC 6/2011 11wks Trisomy 13;BFP#2 11/2011, CP FSH: 17.9, AMH: 2.2IVF#1 w/ICSI: ER 4/3: 5R,4M,4F ET 4/6 All 4 (1-8A+, 2-8A-, 1-3A) BFP#3Two weeks of beta hell = Blighted OvumIVF#2 Aug/Sept: ER 8/27: 4R,3M,3FET 8/30 (1-8A+, 1-6A+)Beta#1 9/10: 350; Beta#2 9/12: 796; Beta#3 9/20: 9155Expecting Boy/Girl Twins! My babies were born 4/23/13 at 36w1d!
Re: A picture of my kiddos (kind of a XP from Pal)
6 year old daughter
Fraternal boys born on May 11, 2013 at 36 weeks 4 days
Unexplained Infertility
After two Clomid cycles, three injectable IUI cycles, two IVFs, two miscarriages, and one lap surgery, IVF #2 has brought us our little boy!
TTC #2
After months of being postponed or cancelled, FET #1.3 (Natural FET) brought us twin girls!
Me:40 AMA, DH:36 0% morph, TTC#1;
BFP#1 4/2011, MMC 6/2011 11wks Trisomy 13;
BFP#2 11/2011, CP
FSH: 17.9, AMH: 2.2
IVF#1 w/ICSI: ER 4/3: 5R,4M,4F
ET 4/6 All 4 (1-8A+, 2-8A-, 1-3A) BFP#3
Two weeks of beta hell = Blighted Ovum
IVF#2 Aug/Sept: ER 8/27: 4R,3M,3F
ET 8/30 (1-8A+, 1-6A+)
Beta#1 9/10: 350; Beta#2 9/12: 796; Beta#3 9/20: 9155
Expecting Boy/Girl Twins! My babies were born 4/23/13 at 36w1d!