January 2013 Moms

Debating bedtime....

I may be over thinking all of this... But I'm concerned about bedtime.  

 First off... I can't for the life of me come up with a bedtime routine for non bath nights.  Lately we snuggle in my bed with the lights off but tv on low. Then I nurse him to sleep in the rocking chair and into the crib.  Is that enough?  

 Then... We try to follow the 90 minute sleep cycle since it works for him.  Usually that puts bedtime sometime between 9 & 9:30.  But what if his last nap is at 8? Does that become bedtime or just another nap?  And if its a nap, that would push bedtime to like 10 and I feel like that's too late.  


Lilypie First Birthday tickers
TTC since 01/11...BFP#1 03/01/12...M/C 03/15/12...BFP#2 04/26/12... DS born 1/14/13

Re: Debating bedtime....

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    We are just winging it with bedtime too.. He naps long and inconsistently as far as a schedule goes... So sometimes bedtime ends up being 8:30 and sometimes it's 10. It's basically after he wakes up from his evening nap and eats.. Then we start getting hi
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    It's so hard right now because they do nap so much. Our LO's bedtime it around 8:30. We had gotten on a pretty good routine until this week when we started daycare. But before that, if LO ate at 4p then napped until 7p we were set but is she ate after
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    We are just winging it with bedtime too..So sometimes bedtime ends up being 8:30 and sometimes it's 10.
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    Ha. Well, I guess like everything else with parenthood, at least we know we're not alone in our questions, right? 

    Tonight he woke up at 6:15, which put his next sleep at 7:45. I went through our small little routine and put him in his crib.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    TTC since 01/11...BFP#1 03/01/12...M/C 03/15/12...BFP#2 04/26/12... DS born 1/14/13
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    We are just winging it with bedtime too.. He naps long and inconsistently as far as a schedule goes... So sometimes bed
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    I struggle with this too. Basically bedtime is about an hour and a half after her evening nap, usually around 9/9:30.  I know this will be all shot to heck after I go back to work next week though, since I'll be waking her in the morning probably.

    William born 9/7/07
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    "First off... I can't for the life of me come up with a bedtime routine for non bath nights."

    We don't have a bath as part of her bedtime routine because we don't do it every night. We have tried to only consistently do those things that we c
    PgAL (MC@7w 29/10/11 - lost you before we knew we had you)
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    I only bathe her with soap twice a week but the other nights i let her splash and play in the warm water to keep up the routine. Then nursing/rocking and swaddle. She's consistently gone down betw 8 and 9. Now naps are a whole nother ball game...
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