
Recommend your favorite infant sling.

I didn't use a sling for my 1st. But I have a feeling I will need one for my 2nd because this time I will be running after a 2 year old. What's the best one? I've heard the ones that let their legs dangle are bad for the baby.

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Re: Recommend your favorite infant sling.

  • I have a Jellybean by Munchkin. LO seems to like it and it's comfy on me.

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  • A moby is great for when they're small, the baby is wrapped so tightly to your body that it's easy to run after toddlers with two free hands.

    When they're older, Ergo all the way.



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

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  • I love my Mei Tai style, I got the cheap Infantino because I wasn't sure I would like it and didn 't want to spend more than 35$, and it's awesome. 

    There is a TON of discussion about carriers on the Attachment parenting board.

  • I have a Kinderpack for Cade. It's great! I can completely customize the straps so it's most comfortable to myself. The Infant size has an adjustable base so that little babies can be feet out too. Also, it's freaking adorable! It's a WAHM group that make
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  • For something that you are going to get the longest use out of at pretty much every stage go for a Ring Sling.  You can use if from day one - 2 years roughly.  I have a Sleep Baby Productions (SBP) one that I adore, you can order online in wh

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  • Also I forgot to mention you can often find Moby's used at consignment stores or on mom swap groups if you are part of one.  If you can pick one up for 20-30 bucks well worth the investment even for just the short period you will use it.


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