January 2013 Moms

Jerks with babies.

What is wrong with people?!

I went to Target this afternoon and while I'm in the baby section I hear a little voice saying "Mommy, where are you? Mommy? I can't find my mom." So of course I go I to momma bear mode. I find this little 2 1/2-3 year old girl sitting in the shoes crying. Four people walked by before I got to her. Not one stopped. Not even a young mom. She just watched as I knelt down and asked the girl what her mom looked like and then I took her hand to walk her toward security as we look.

Halfway up she saw her mom. A very non-concerned older woman looking at a display without a care. Baby girl just cries "Mommy!" and ran up to her. And the woman didn't flinch. Not a word. I was confused so I asked the lady if the girl was hers and she made eye contact and then WALKED AWAY!

I just... W. T. A. F?! The little girl started jabbering behind her about how she was lost and I heard mom say "Next time I'll let them just take your ." I went back to the baby section and picked up sleeping C and hugged him tightly.

I just don't get people. This is why I prefer animals mostly.

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Re: Jerks with babies.

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    This is why I prefer animals mostly.

    This mad

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    That is disgusting. That story just makes my heart hurt! So glad you were able to help that little girl--so sad that her mother sounds like a total asshat. Agree--animals are often much better!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    People really are crazy. I'm with you on the animals...my dog would never be that rude!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    Wow. What a crummy mom.

    Kendall, 1/1/13
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    So sad people like that have kids. Agree on the animals.
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    People really are crazy. I'm with you on the animals...my dog would never be that rude!

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    thats a serious pet peeve of mine. like who does that?!?!?!
    AnniversaryBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    This makes me very sad for that little girl :(
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    Aw, that's so sad! I've helped many kids find their parents long before I had one of my own. It's so scary to be a little kid lost, I can't believe no one else tried to help and that her mom reacted like that is so upsetting
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    That's sad.  And that other people just walked by and didn't stop to take the girl to security and help her find her mom.  We went to a swap meet one weekend and this little boy no more than 3 years old was standing in the row crying..lost... an

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    Being a teacher I have had a few situations come up that made me feel like this one you described. It was always hard but it gets to me so much more now that I have my own daughter. Every child deserves to be loved as much as my DD and it makes my hear

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