
Stitches or Staples

I'm going in for my 2nd section on 4/12.  With my first dr. used stitches but my scar keyloid (sp?) and so he wants to use staples this time.  Curious to know how others' incisions heeled w/ staples.

Re: Stitches or Staples

  • I had 2 c sections with staples and incision healed great. Barely noticeable.
  • My OB said she prefers staples so that's what she used and I healed great last time, hoping for a repeat :)
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  • I have developed keyloids (I'll go with your spelling) having some questionable moles removed, so I know I am prone to them.  My c-section was done with staples and I never developed one.  GL!

    **DD1 - 7/9/98**

    **DS - 11/9/00**

    **DD2 - 4/30/13**

  • Staples.  Healed just fine.
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  • I actually had stitches but vomited and ripped those open so they stapled half of my incision shut. So the side that had staples is a little more raised and a little wider than the side with stitches only. I didn't have any problems with the healing of either. My staples were removed when I left the hospital and covered the whole incision with steristrips.
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  • I had staples with my first and just stitches and steri-strips with my second. The second scar is right on top of the first and both are beautiful, flat lines. I think it just depends on how your body heals.



  • Staples and healed great.
  • I had staples, and I still unfortunately got a keloid. My OB said some women are just prone to them. My csection was 3 years ago, and the keloid does look much better now than it did the first 2 years
  • I had staples...it looked somewhat disturbing in the hospital but that was more because it was an emerge C-section and I had no clue what to expect and had no idea if how it looked then is how it would stay.

    Once they removed the staples it healed flat and normal...aside from a small line where they cut.


  • Thank you for all of the responses.
  • Keloids are genetic, has nothing to do with staples or stitches. My entire scar is a keloid and I had the glue. This time I'm having staples just because that's the only thing my Dr. uses. I asked them about it and they said there is no way to tell if it is going to keloid again or not, sometimes it doesn't sometimes it does but it is genetic and most people who get them, all of their scars do it.
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  • Huh. I had internal stitches and they just steristripped my scar together. No exterior stitches or staples. One thin, flat red line. 
  • Neither. I was glued, and I healed fine.
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  • Ouch...staples!  I think I would have had a problem seeing those on my tummy because I can get squeamish sometimes.  I was glued shut

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  • I had staples.  You can barely see my scar and you def can't see any staple marks.  :)
    PPD/PPA Mom...it has been super hard, but I'm making it! Slow steps...
    Mom to Carter (6), and Calianne (1).  
    Proud VBAC, natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering momma!

  • imagejroth33470:
    Huh. I had internal stitches and they just steristripped my scar together. No exterior stitches or staples. One thin, flat red line.nbsp;

    This. I'm only 3 weeks pp, but so far so good.
    married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


    my happy boy

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