
Childcare tax credit question

We don't have to pay for daycare because we are super fortunate to have family take care of DD while I work, but we did start her in mother's morning out this year.  It's only 4 hours, 2 days a week.  Would that count toward the childcare tax credit?  Or does your child have to be in a full time day care program to count?

My FIL does our taxes, so I'll be sure to ask him too, but this just occurred to me and I figured someone here might have come across the same issue. 

Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!

Re: Childcare tax credit question

  • imagekrptcmschfmkr128:
    You have to be paying for it to be considered, and they will ask for SSN or License # of who watches LO in o
    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
  • imageGhostMonkey:

    They should have provided you with tax information by January 31 just like every organization is required to

    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
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  • imageCate1234:

    Per the IRS: You may be able to claim the child and dependent care credit if you paid work-related expenses for t

    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
  • imageandyyougoonie:

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagechardonnay24:

    Even preschool counts if they are watching your child while you work. Straight from the IRS:


    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
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