January 2013 Moms

When to intro bottle

DD is 10 weeks and will be starting daycare at 19 weeks. She's EBF and I'll be pumping for her when I return to work. I love the bonding and convenience of BF but I know that we need to get her used to taking a bottle.

When should I start introducing it knowing that by June, she HAS to eat from one during the day?


Re: When to intro bottle

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    You should have started earlier so do it now!
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    Honestly I would say as soon as possible especially since she's gone 10 weeks without it, it could take her a while to get used to it or you may have to find the right kind of bottle.

    My DD is almost 10 weeks and I go back to work next week a
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    Well you guys freaked me out. I tried the mimijumi bottle that looks like a boob with a tiny bit of breastmilk. She mostly chewed on it but she got some out. I wouldn't really say she drank from it but she wasn't upset by it either.

    I'll have


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    Don't freak out! Sounds like you have ample time to work on it. My advice would be to definitely have someone other than you, whether it be DH, parents, inlaws, aunts etc. give the bottle so she's used to other caretakers when you go back to work. But don
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    I BF and give DS pumped milk when we are out around town or when DH is home with him and I'm out. DH gave him his first bottle when he was only 3 days old so that I go buy nursing bras at Target. He took the bottle no problem and still takes the breast no
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    Start now it takes time sometimes, you'll probably go through different types of bottles until you find one that he likes.
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