January 2013 Moms


Just curious to know... Do any of you top up your LO's belly before nap time?

Re: Curiousity

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    if I give him a couple of extra ounces to "top him off" when he isn't ready to eat it just makes him spit up!&nbsp
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    No. I tried giving him a larger bottle a few times before bed and I honestly don't find that it helps him sleep lon

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    Right now she will not fall asleep without a boob in her mouth so yes, sort of. I'm not always sure she's eating but she's always got the option. Sleep has been a disaster the past few days so today she pretty much slept with my boob in her mouth pacifyin
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    Not before a nap but before bed yes. We try to go an hour after her last bottle and the bedtime bottle but sometime she just doesn't make it. She will mormally take the full 4oz in the bedtime bottle. It's kind of like she is storing up for the long sl
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