April 2013 Moms

Anyone else trying for a VBAC?

I was hoping for one, but my chances are getting dimmer by the day...I was due on Monday and I'm 80% effaced with no dilation. It looks like my doctor is going to recommend an RCS if things have not progressed by Friday or Monday. I was wondering whether anyone else has been in a similar position and has made rapid gains towards labor without induction.
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Re: Anyone else trying for a VBAC?

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    I'm trying for one. I get until 41 weeks too although my OB said that after due date chances of success go down. I guess bc 1. You have to go into labor on your own and 2. Baby will be bigger. Not sure what other factors might come into play. If I were yo
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    I am trying for a vbac too. As long as I can keep my blood pressure down (its been elevated but no pre-e) I am going to 41 weeks. My MW & docs said at that point if my cervix looks ready enough they will try inducing. We are leaving RCS to the last re
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    Well, my water broke this morning and I'm in LD! I'll post the results when the boy arrives, hopefully by VBAC!
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    Thanks...my cervix is still closed & I'm 80% effaced, so they started me on pitocin about an hour ago. Yay! Can't wait to meet my baby boy, regardless of how the delivery turns out.
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