TTC after 35

Question regarding fibroid - remove or not?

Hi all,  I just had my 6 week follow-up appt with my previous RE, from IVF with my daughter.  I was referred to him by my regular OB after my D and E in February.  I lost a baby boy at 18 weeks pregnant.  Initially, the OB thought perhaps the uterine fibroid I have may have caused the mc.  So after waiting these very long 6 weeks, I went for the ultrasound with my old doc this morning. 

The uterus looks like it's back to normal.  He wants me to have one more AF cycle and then we are clear to try again.  The fibroid was 10cm when I had the loss, and today measured just under 4cm.  The doctor said it's totally my decision and he won't argue with me if I want to have it removed, but he thinks we should leave it alone.  He said the procedure to remove it is very invasive, painful and has a long recovery with possible pregnancy complications later on.  Doesn't think it's worth the risk.  However, he told me it's up to us.  We need to decide if we can handle another loss, should it happen, and wish we had taken out the fibroid. On the other hand, I had the fibroid with my daughter and it was 5cm then.  So the doc said it's a coin toss at this point.  He can't predict what will happen. My husband and I both really like and trust this doctor. 

My gut is telling me to leave it alone and go with the doctor's opinion, and my husband feels the same way.  My husband said, "You aren't getting any younger and won't be able to get pregnant much longer" to which I wanted to punch him in the face, but he is right.  

If we have it removed, we have about 4-5 months before we can try again.  However, if we don't and I have another loss, then it's 6 more weeks of healing from the D and E, should we need it, on top of however long I would have been pregnant, then the fibroid would come out, and then another 6-8 weeks of healing from that, then 2 full AF cycles before we could TTC again.  We'd be put off for a really long time in that scenario.

I am asking for advice from anyone who has had experience with fibroids, and from anyone with a general opinion.  What should we do???  


Re: Question regarding fibroid - remove or not?

  • Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm having a tough time making this decision and reading your post helped me. My husband thinks we ought to follow the opinion of our doctor and just leave it alone. I worry that bc they found no cause for the misca
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