

  We have a family membership at our city run rec centers, it  gives us access to the gym and pool.  We pay $800/year plus the facilities are subsidized by our taxes.  The rec centers have a daycare that you pay to use. There are 3 centers  one is 5 minutes from our house, the other 2 are a 20 minute drive away.

During the first year we used the childcare (we go to the gym 3 days/week), you would go into the childcare area drop your child off, get their outdoor stuff off, and change/toilet them in the attached washroom if need be.

In January the facility closest to us put up a sign saying parents are no longer permitted in the childcare room.  You take your kids snowsuit/boots off in the hall (no benches/coat racks etc..) then hand their gear in for the staff to hang up inside the room and turn over your child.  If your child needs toilet/washroom facilities you take them down the hall (it is a long way, you walk past two ice rinks, and a swimming pool to get to the washroom). The daycare is right by the entry so in the winter either I cart the kids/ and their snowsuits down the hall or, I wrestle them into the suits, then out of them again in the washroom, and then into them again to leave.  

The center nearest us is the only one that no longer lets you use their washroom for you children .  When they changed the policy I called and spoke with the head of the daycare who said it was for safety reasons ( how are children in danger because I am in the toilet with my own child).  For the most part I have been using the centers that are further away from my home because they still allow you in the childcare room.  Today I went to our neighbourhood center to take my son to swimming lessons, and left DD in the daycare.  They called me to come to change her.  I had to cart her/DS  down the hall and back again to change her diaper, by the time I was done DS's swim lesson was over.

 I know it is totally a FWP but I am PO'd all over again about this policy.  We switched to the city run centers thinking it would be more family friendly plus my tax dollars go towards this center.  I am thinking about complaining to someone higher up in the cities rec department.  Does my rant just sound spoiled or do I have a valid complaint.

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Re: Irritated...WWPD?

  • So they don't change kid's diapers? Is that normal for a gym daycare?

    I don't fully get the winter gear issue. You're driving there, right? So you're unbuckling the kids, putting their gear on, walking in, taking it off, and putting them into

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  • Leave the snowsuits.  I don't see why you have to re-dress them to walk down the hall to the bathroom. 

    The biggest problem is hauling all your stuff.  In theory, your kids shouldn't be in bulky snowsuits in their carseats anyway,

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    Nope if your child has a dirty diaper they call you to come change them.  It was standard at the Fitness Club we belonged to before. Only they allowed you to change your child in the daycare.  

    It is -12 here today, and we just go 4" of

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  • With 2 LO I see what you're saying.  I don't think the snowgear thing is a big deal but the bathroom is annoying.  I see more of an issue with a beginner PT - so kid tells DC he needs to potty - they have to call you- you come up and then hav

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  • I am stressed out just reading this.  I think this is why I don't work out.

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