I think one of my LO's might have some type of food intolerance, but I am not sure how to go about figuring out what it is and I am looking for some advice. TIA for taking the time to read this! (And I am sorry about all the poo talk...)
It all started back in November with what I thought was an allergic reaction to a disposable diaper. She had a horrible "rash" with open wounds that just would not go away. She literally went from being completely clear to red and bleeding overnight. We made several trips to the pedi and tried every ointment and cream you can think of. It took a good month, but finally a combination of creams cleared it up. Since then, it seems that nearly every time she poops, she bleeds. She gets small little open wounds that heal very quickly (as long as she doesn't poop again for a few hours). She never has a rash or any general redness, and the only time she is ever in a diaper more than 2 hours is overnight. Her butt is ALWAYS clear in the morning, so it can't be a moisture issue.
We have been to the pedi multiple times about the bleeding, and she doesn't seem to have an answer for me. After doing some research, I questioned whether or not she may have a food allergy or intolerance. I am mildly lactose intolerant, so I cut out dairy for about a week and didn't notice a difference. SHe was miserable without her milk, so I started giving it to her again when nothing changed.
Has anyone else experienced this? She never has hives or anything like that, just the wounds after contact with poop. Oh, and it happens even when she goes on the potty, so it isn't due to her sitting in it for a long period of time or anything like that. Also of note, she very, very rarely has solid poop. It isn't liquid either, just very soft. Not sure if this matters or not, but she does have eczema as well.
Anyway, I guess I am not sure where to go from here. The pedi hasn't been a whole lot of help. SHould I ask to see an allergist? A dermatologist? Any ideas?
Re: Possible food intolerance?
Most babies/kids are intolerant to dairy proteins as opposed to lactose. Both my girls are intolerant to dairy. DD2 still broke out in diaper rash from milk as recently as this Summer, and she's 2. The protein in dairy takes as long a
Sounds like Gluten intolerance pretty bad. Its hard finding doctors who recognize this so I would do your own test and see if it helps before getting doctors involved just bc they dont always know what to look for. Eliminate just wheats first. Breads,