
I have this converstation a lot...

Stranger: Wow, are those twins?

Me: Yes

Stranger: How old are they?

Me: Four months.

Stranger: They are so tiny.

Me: They were a little early but they are doing great.

Stranger: Well my baby was 25 lbs at 4 months.

Me: Good for you. 

Stranger: Are they sleeping through the night?

Me: Almost but not yet. 

Stranger: Well my baby was sleeping through the night at 3 days old. 

This is usually when I just walk away.  

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Re: I have this converstation a lot...

  • And this is how it should of ended ;)

    Stranger: Well my baby was sleeping through the night at 3 days old.

    You:  Aren't you a lucky one.  See I have TWO babies and you have ONE.  So if we use our reasoning skills we would see that it may be harder for TWO babies to sleep through the night when they hear the other baby get up.  Have a nice day!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Aubrey & Anthony
  • This made me giggle.

     I've stopped being nice to people if they cope an attitude or have dumb questions.  "Better you than me."  "Yeah, I would want you to reproduce with that kind of attitude."

    or "You have your hands full."  "It's better than empty."

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  • You- 25 pounds at four months!? You should have him checked for a pituiatry condition.

    Stranger- mine is sleeping through the night!

    You- Your ped must be an idiot if they told you it was all right for a child that young to NOT eat for 6+ hours. Poor kid must have been starving and now, when he gets food, he eats like a horse. Might explain why your child is grossly over weight.


    You- *hair flip* walks away...

    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Huh, I totally feel you!  I avoid people because of the twin factor but also because my guys look and act like 3 month olds even though they are 7mos (4mos adjusted).  My guys are really really tiny.  It makes me so sad to see happy healthy full size babies and even worse when I hear what they can do that my guys are no where near doing.  We're still on a 4 hour feeding schedule and we're thinking of going back to a 3 hour feeding schedule now. 
  • Wow!  The nerve of people!  That's just a fun thing I have to look forward to! 
  • I stopped telling people the truth when they ask how old ours are... they're almost 7 weeks but they are still under 7 pounds so I just say "a few weeks" and let them assume 2 weeks... I'm tired of having people look at me like I'm somehow stunting the growth of my babies... um... hello... they were born over a month early.  They're small.  Deal with it.
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