I'm a lurker on this board- so I'll take this time to say hello.
My husband and I are expecting a boy in August and would love some views on circumcision or keeping our boy intact.
Anyone have any valid arguments for one or the other? I'm ultimately letting my husband take the reigns on this one because, after all, he has a penis, but I am leaning toward keeping our son intact. He still is on the fence about it!
I wasn't sure where else to ask this, but AP is the parenting style we tend to follow, so thought I'd ask other like-minded individuals.
Thanks in advance- and if a war starts, I'm so sorry. I'm really just looking for advice and don't want to post this on Facebook!
Re: To circ or not to circ...that is the question.
Unlike the majority of posters here we chose to circ due to the medical benefits. I cant link but check out the cdc fact sheet, the most recent aap statement, and research from John Hopkins hospital for some really good data for making an informed deci
We ended up having a girl, but back in the days of "we-don't-know-what-we're-having" we had mutually decided to leave our possible son intact, despite DH being circ'd. Most of the world leaves boys intact and I just couldn't imagine putting my baby thr
OP, you've gotten lots of great advice. We also chose not to circ because, after all our research, that's what "felt right" to us. I still feel good about our decision but I do still worry about long term consequences (I'm sure I would
I didn't have my son circumcised.
A note on the pain aspect... I'm really happy with my decision as PPs have stated, but after I literally cried during the heel prick in the hospital, I know I would have trouble forgiving myself for putting him t
DS: 11/1/2010 DD: 8/9/2012 #3: 4/2019
We chose not to circ. For us the health benefits were not compelling enough. I think every family has to weigh the pros and cons and make the choice that works for them.
That said, I would urge you to remember that while your husband
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No one can tell you what to do on this. It's such a personal/emotional decision that you just have to go with your gut. The pro and con information is so balanced on this that it just seems to bring the choice right back to you.
I can
I'm not really passionate about the issue. Neither of my boys are circ'ed because DH is European and they don't circ their boys there.
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I dont really have anything to say besides it's a non-compromising decision that needs to be made and good luck because it's a tuffy. Im not pro-circ but Im not anti circ. I wouldnt have done it myself, but DH wanted it done and I see benefits to both
We decided to not circ our son. My husband was a little wary at first, but on his own he went and researched the topic and watched a video of a baby being circ'd and that totally changed his mind.
Our little man has had no problems after 6
I feel very strongly about the issue, in my opinion it's a human rights issue. I think that everyone is entitled to the intact body they were born with and it is not anyone's right to make that choice for someone else.
If you look at the sta
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DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
i have a question for the anti circ side. the argument that people in other cultures don't do it and they're fine always gets brought up. is the strand of hpv causing cervical cancer/hiv prevalent in these regions? that was a huge reasoning i
You're all so so helpful and have stayed very level headed through this question- I know it's a controversial topic.
Thank you all again for your replies and for your (mostly) researched and educated answers. I really appreciate the feedba
A study that estimates (since it says there is no way to know for sure) that there are approx. 117 deaths/year due to circ. in the US.
DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
I let hubby decide. He even said " Well, I don't want him to be mad at me when he's an adult." To me, this means that he would feel annoyed if he had not been circ'd and in order to not look different he'd have to undergo an uncomfortable procedur
. i think It is a huge human rights violation.
The US Is the only county that thinks there are health benefits to circumcision. Most of the world's men are intact and are not having problems.
When i had my son
blog! thescenery.net
blog! thescenery.net
We knew that we would from the get-go, even before we knew that DS was...well, a DS. My DH and I talked about it and we sure that we would. We also decided to do it when he was around two months old and I swear, it wasn't that bad. It broke my heart to