
feeding thoughts

Ok, I am aware that I am stuck between to feeding mindsets at the moment. I though you all may have aome advice or share your experiences.

We just left NICU where its this exact amount in this exact amount of time and gain this exact amount per day! Now we are home pedi visit still a few days our and I am try to transition to a more laid back routine where I watch for hungar cues as well as I've had enough clues. If he is staisfied and continues to grow should'nt that be enough.

He is not really a lazy eater...just sometimes takes a little maybe 5mL...than they said should be his min. Sometimes he takes 10 to 15 more.

Also, I am trying to change fron the blue ring nipples from the hospital. Other nipples he ears slower with but it seems he gets tired and takes less.

Anyway, I thought maybe you who have already been there could share how it all worked out for your LO...and you!
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Re: feeding thoughts

  • The day DD left the NICU was the day the 3 hour feeding schedule went out the window. She started taking more than 2oz at each feeding and some times feedings were every 2 hours. I'm thinking growth spurt. I would just change over to the other nipples




  • Thanks!

    I don't have many bottles but I have mostly wide nipples. I may need to switch to standard like you mentioned. He seems to like the new Avent the best. I have inly tried the slowest flow nipple so far. He eats slower but does not spi
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  • We went straight to on demand feedings once the girls got home. They told us to not worry unless their intake was really low...the daily minimum we needed to hit was like 400ml. They were eating around 500 per day when discharged. We found they did so muc
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  • My DD had major feeding issues, but with our pedi's support we went off the strict NICU schedule and followed her cues a bit more.  She immediately started eating every 4 hours during the day, cluster feeding every hour in the evening from 7-10 an

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  • J
    feeding today.

    Fowler took 24mL from me in 18 min. We started him out on my bad side and he got very tired.

    The LC's had me use a faster flow Avent nipple and he took morr even though he was very tired with no choking
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