Babies on the Brain

I had my first April fools pg announcement

Mobile: I had my first April fools pg announcement

A friend in my mom's group who's LO is a little younger than C posted "guess who's not one and done..."

I told her she's tempting fate with that status.
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Re: I had my first April fools pg announcement

  • Those are the stupidest "announcements". One of DH's step cousins wrote that she was getting married next month. She's a minor. I get that she can get her parents to sign a waiver, but I highly doubt she's getting married. She's one of those people who

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  • I do not have IF issues and have never found this even a little funny. I can't imagine my friends who have gone through many losses or cannot get pregnant despite their 5, 6, 7, 8 rounds of IVF find it funny at all. &

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  • imagePunkyBooster:

    I do not have IF issues and have never found this even a little funny. I can't imagine my friends who have gone

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • the pregnancy announcement I got on 4/1 was real! My brother and his wife had just confirmed the baby's health at their first sonogram and let us all know yesterday. It was SO exciting!
  • I post a warning every March 31st that anyone who posts a fake pregnancy announcement will be immediately deleted. 

    TTC since 2010

    lots of IUIs and 1 IVF all BFNs

    FET currently on hold

    photo guiness-1.jpg

  • My cousin posted "we're expecting!" So I said "April fools" and she said ya, were expecting to ave fun on our vacation later this week..... Ugh.... Why?
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  • imagejoshandpanda:
    My cousin posted "we're expecting!" So I said "April fools" and she said ya, were expecting to ave fun on our va

    R&K married 4.15.11. TTC #1 since 7.11.12

    BFP #1 9.9.12 EDD 5.21.13 c/p 9.12.12 at 4 weeks 1 day

    BFP #2 10.15.12 EDD 6.28.13 c/p 10.19.12 at  4 weeks.

    BFP #3 1.19.13 EDD 10.1.13 Eleanor born 10.7.13 at 40 weeks 6 days

    13dpo hcg@32, progesterone@13.7, 15dpo hcg@110, 16dpo progesterone@25.9

    My blog:Urban Times in Michigan ~ My Bfp Chart

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  • imagejoshandpanda:
    My cousin posted "we're expecting!" So I said "April fools" and she said ya, were expecting to ave fun on our va
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