Cloth Diapering

How often to change newborns?

My LO is 3.5 weeks and we made the switch to cloth a few days ago. I feel like I read on here that people said you need to change the diapers about every 2 hours. But, if I were to try to do that, it would have me waking him up a lot of the times. Is it ok to let him go a little longer between changes? I usually change him right before he feeds, which is 1.5 to 3 hours during the day and maybe up to 4 at night if I am lucky.

FWIW, so far we are using an assortment of newborn AIOs and pockets. I have had some leaks, and I'm trying to figure out if it's a certain brand not working well for us, or if I'm just leaving them on too long in general.


Re: How often to change newborns?

  • We never woke our LO up for a diaper change. He doesn't seem to be easily prone to rashes.

    We also used all AIOs or pockets during the newborn stage. Is the diaper insert completely soaked? If not it is more likely a fit issue. Make sure they are

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  • I've been changing probably every 3 hours at this point, but DD3 is only 5 days old. Once she gets older, I expect it will be about every 2 hours unless she's napping. That's how often my older two got changed with disposables.
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  • I usually changed her after feeding her. So every 3 hours or so. Some of the AIOs didn't have enough absorbency for her longer stretches though. If you can keep track of which brands you might be able to target the cause. The cotton grovia nb I had wic

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  • I'm not sure about that first week when you are waiting for your milk to come in, but once we got into a rhythm with feeding, I pretty much changed him before and after each feeding, and sometimes take a break in between sides to change as well. If DS'

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