Hi there just wondering what you baby/toddler was like in regards to sleep? Did they awaken frequently and need help to sleep? I had to hold my son the first 8 months and walk and bounce then sleep in recliner. Now at a year we cosleep and he wakes about every hour or less and needs to nurse to go back to sleep. We also have issues eating solids and barely eat any purees. Anyone else go through this and did speech therapy help? Not sure my son has SPD but it seems he has many signs. The feeding and sleep being the most stressful. Does it get better or easier?
Re: SPD?
My DS had all of those issues and has SPD. However he didn't show obvious signs of it affecting his development until 15 months old. His speech therapist is the one who discovered his sensory issues and helped us begin to figure out his sensory diet bu
i have two kiddos with spd and two totally different experiences.
my son needed to sleep with me until 20 months and didn't sttn until 18 months. at 20 months he transitioned easily to his own room though came back into our room for brief pe