April 2013 Moms

My Girly is here :)

Sorry it took so long to post :) On Monday March 25 at 5:13 pm my little Emmalee Lucille graced us with her presence via Csection! She weighed in at 7lbs and was 19 3/4 inches.... The surgery wasn't as scary as I thought and I was in and out in less then an hour! I feel so blessed and overwhelmed with love from all of the support I have been given! Im still feeling a little uncomfortable and sore but surprisingly again not as bad as I thought... It has been interesting getting to do all of this newborn stuff again and even in the hospital I told the nurses to treat me like a first time mom lol... My son is 3 1/2 and he is loving being a big brother! I hope you all have wonderful experiences with the births of your babies and I look forward to continuing to share in all of our new adventures!
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