April 2013 Moms

Just a thought

I wonder if/ how many babies will be born that are the opposit sex than expected! I have coworker that was told she was having a boy throughout her pregnancy and ended up having a girl! Also, she had multiple u/s due to complications. Makes ya think!

I'll be happy if my "he" suprised me and is a "she"as long as the babe is healthy, I don't care the sex. I'm excited!
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Re: Just a thought

  • I have nightmares about this. Lol
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • SO keeps saying how its going to be about and he knows it. He has his hopes too high up lol, and I keep telling him how if its a boy he's going to have to wear the girl clothes I got for our little girl until he out grows it. :D
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  • The thought of this happening gives me serious anxiety!
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  • I've been thinking about this too... I would probably double over in laughter because this is my 'baby daddy's biggest fear.

    Eta: the wonderful World Wide Web says that ultrasounds are approx 95 accurate and it's more common to have a little
  • I actually know someone in the same situation. Was supposed to have a Michael free several ultrasounds and ended up with a Michele. If LO is a girl when "he" gets here she's going to have a lot of dinosaur clothing....
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I was worried about this, but I got them to double check at the last u/s and she was definitely still a girl.  I have another u/s on the 17th and I will probably ask them to check again.  We will have to do some serious shopping if the LO ends u

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

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    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
  • Funny enough, a customer at work yesterday said this happened to her - that her little 1 year old boy was supposed to be a girl. I was also supposed to be a boy and surprised my parents as well when I came out a girl instead... mind you, that was based

  • I did have a friend who was told early on that it was a girl, who found out at her last ultrasound, 2 weeks before a planned RCS, that it was actually a boy.

    I would be pretty sad because I've been calling the baby Curtis for a pretty long time

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