September 2012 Moms


Your post is almost me to a "T".  I have some major anxiety issues and have gone to GP's for testing and medication.  I tried several different med's and really didn't like the way they made me feel.  I have TONS of personal issues with relationships and truly feeling like I don't know what it means to "love" someone.  My childhood was pretty screwy with a mom that is crazy and eventually as an adult coming to the realization that she doesn't love me. ((or like me))

I think I have ADHD and struggle to accomplish many tasks.  I manage a staff of 17 bank employees and have been highly successful at being promoted. (Started at 18 now 24 and I have been promoted 6 times) But I only manage to do enough that my boss thinks I'm great.  He and I both know that I really only am getting enough accomplished to look good.  My desk is full of lists that I have started, misplaced or just forgotten. 

My mood with my husband can be horrible, just grumpy when I feel backed against a wall with anything none related to him (work, school).  I can even say that I don?t truly ?know? who I am.  Which sounds stupid, I know.    

I need counseling/therapy to truly be happy in life but struggle with the courage to seek it out.  I am going to try again, and appreciate your post to encourage me and help me figure out what direction I should be going.


"I will show you the kind of big sister I will be..."


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