Giving birth part or the after part???!! I'm freaking out about the after birth pain. Figured I'd ask since people keep asking me if I'm nervous to give birth, which I'm's the after part I'm so worried about.
Being pregnant forever! With my daughter I delivered at 42 weeks and I'm way more uncomfortable this time. I welcome the idea of labor and even the after part with the pay off that I'm not pregnant . It's funny how you can forget the pain of labor/recov
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I keep hearing how you forget the pain you go through when you're giving birth, but its funny because everyone now that I'm so close keeps telling me how contractions are a killer, and I think to myself....I thought you didn't remember lol
Which part of after the birth? LIke, delivering the placenta and being stitched up, just being at the hospital, the first few days/weeks at home, or forever...?
The one thing I am scared about is that my water will break at work. I SO
A couple months ago were a few "the first 6 weeks post baby are a mental and physical hell" threads on here that scared the absolute sh!t out of me. So that's what I'm most worried about!
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As a FTM, I am more worried about labor than afterward. My mom and husband will both be here full time afterward so I won't be on my own. And I am not good with pain so labor is more scary for me.
Since I'm now scheduled for a c-section, I no longer fear the birth. I am, however, terrified of the after part. You know, it's three days later and your adrenaline has worn off and you're weaning off your pain killers and the baby needs to eat every 2
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I am petrified of the after part; the physical recovery, the sleep deprivation, breastfeeding/pumping almost constantly, becoming a family of 3 instead of 2... I'm having heart palpitations just thinking about it.
BFP 08/11/2012, DD#1 born 04/18/2013 BFP 01/01/2015, EDD 09/07/2015, CP BFP 10/09/2015, EDD 06/01/2016, MC @ 7 weeks BFP 03/12/2016, DD#2 born 11/15/2016 BFP 01/28/2019, EDD 09/29/2019
The after part for sure! Labor is no party but its finite and there is a purpose to the pain. Afterwards between pain from delivery vaginal or c section, the bleeding, boob and nipple pain from BFing, sleep deprivation and back pain from holding a baby CO
The thought of potentially tearing, needing stitches, nipple pain after BFing, and overall process of postpartum recovery freaks me out way more than labor and actual delivery!
Birth was exciting and borderline fun for me with my DS. Recovery on the other hand was terrible. I won't get into details but about a year after giving birth I finally felt normal again. I know my experience is not the norm though but like the OP sai
The first 2 months are my biggest concern. I had a very hard time with sleep deprivation and BFing with DS. DS is 5 so we have gotten pretty used to a kid that sleeps and is pretty independent. I'm glad DS will be in school for the first
I think the contractions were worse than the actual giving birth part. At least then, I felt like I was doing something and had pushing to focus on. With contractions, you're just dealing with pain and not actually doing anything.
The part I'm least looking forward to is the aftermath. Not even necessarily the pain (although that freaking sucks) but all the blood and wearing what is basically a diaper for two weeks. I honestly didn't hate labor, the contractions were hard and so wa
I am actually excited for the labor part and the after part with the baby too. It's more my relationship with SO...we both have our own stresses to worry about and responsibilities and I am just worried that we'll drift away from each other because of it.
I'm worried baby won't get here soon enough for the doctor's peace of mind and that I'll have to be induced. Definitely trying to avoid an induction. I'm not really scared of either labor or all the after stuff. I figure women have been doing this for a l
I had a very easy labor and recovery last time so I may be wearing rose colored glasses when it comes to that. I'm scared of having two kids. I mean terrified.
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I enjoyed reading the replies to my post, hope the after part isn't as bad even though I'm expecting it to be mentally scaring and I expect my to want a second one lol
Re: What are you more scared of?
Which part of after the birth? LIke, delivering the placenta and being stitched up, just being at the hospital, the first few days/weeks at home, or forever...?
The one thing I am scared about is that my water will break at work. I SO
A couple months ago were a few "the first 6 weeks post baby are a mental and physical hell" threads on here that scared the absolute sh!t out of me. So that's what I'm most worried about!
As a FTM, I am more worried about labor than afterward. My mom and husband will both be here full time afterward so I won't be on my own. And I am not good with pain so labor is more scary for me.
I am freaked about going to the hospital to
Since I'm now scheduled for a c-section, I no longer fear the birth. I am, however, terrified of the after part. You know, it's three days later and your adrenaline has worn off and you're weaning off your pain killers and the baby needs to eat every 2
BFP 01/01/2015, EDD 09/07/2015, CP
BFP 10/09/2015, EDD 06/01/2016, MC @ 7 weeks
BFP 03/12/2016, DD#2 born 11/15/2016
BFP 01/28/2019, EDD 09/29/2019
Married: 6/27/2008
DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
M/C 6/2012
DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE!
M/C 12/12/2016
BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
EDD: 7/2/2018