Maine Babies

visitors and germs...

I don't know nervous to be about this.  I'm usually relaxed if it's just an aunt or grandparents coming over, but my SIL is dying to see the baby and she has 3 kids, 6 5 and 2.  So two are in school and it creeeeeeps me out with the whole germ thing.  Then, I invited my two best friends over this coming Saturday and one of them always tries to bring this other girl that I'm not friends with but just deal with because we all went to school together.  She came with them on my bday when I was already 4 days late and told me she just got over the flu.  Her kid is always always sick and so I just had to email my friend to make sure it was just the two of them coming....

I just want to protect my little ones but I feel like people are going to take it the wrong way....

Re: visitors and germs...

  • just ask them to wash thier hands. I have people get offended all the time but I could care less. In fact, I asked my MIL once to wash her hands and she wouldn't so she didn't hold Conner. It's that simple.
  • I agree with Mrs. Ross - priority right now is to protect the baby.  We've told a lot of people they can't see Claire until after she's at least a month old.  Sure they got offended.  We don't care.  It's flu season, and to me it's common sense.
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  • i make everyone wash their hands and use purell. then i tell everyone not to touch or kiss her face & not to snuzzle her to tightly.?
  • I was super nervous about that too.  When we had company coming, I bought like 10 things of Purell and literally had one out on every surface in the house!  I looked like a nutjob but it got the point across.  I had DH make a big show of Purell-ing himself before taking the baby from me and our guests followed suit.

    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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  • In addition to having them wash their hands and using hand sanitizer I put a blanket between my DS and anyone holding him.  People may think I'm being overprotective but they're not the ones who will be with him if he gets sick.  My DS has already been readmitted to the hospital twice since he was discharged so I could care less what people think.  I'm just trying to make it through this winter season without anything else happening. 
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