Csection was two weeks ago tomorrow. I bled very lightly afterwards an it stopped about 5 days ago. I was just sitting here eating and felt a gush. Went to the bathroom and it was blood. Looked in the toilet and it seems like a lot. I stayed there for a few minutes and it continued to come out. When I wiped there was bright red blood and it appeared pretty heavy. I'm sitting here with a pad on now and waiting to see how it continues but I'm kind of freaking out. Everything I've read says it should get lighter and lighter. Mine completely stopped and now is flowing heavier than right after delivery.
Would you call?
Called and talked to doc. He said a week pp was early for me to stop bleeding, so it's likely that I had a clot that "blocked the exit ramp" I love his sense of humor and now it broke through and everything from the last 5 days is coming out. He said it should slow in a few hours. He called in a script in case it doesn't, he was saying something about a possible issue with the uterus that occasionally happens but DD was crying and call waiting was beeping so I don't remember the details lol. He said that if it doesn't slow in a few hours I can take one of the pills he called in every 4 hours until it slows down. DH is getting the meds now so I have them in the event that I need them. But it's most likely that I was just blocked up by a clot.
Thanks guys. Hopefully no issue and it slows in a few hours.
Re: UPDATE Would you call? TMI
Were you very active today, or did you do too much? I remember with my second son I would be almost done bleeding and then would do too much and it would start all over again.
If it continues I would certainly call, at the very least
I'm going to see if it keeps up I put this pad on 30 minutes ago
Yes, call. A friend of mine just had this happen & it turned out that she had retained a little bit of the placenta. She ended up needing surgery & several units of blood.
Bleeding like that shouldn't be taken lightly.&
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!