Dads & Dads-to-be

Need a Dads Input

So my husband hasnt met our son yet (hes in the military to save the explanation) and our son is 5 weeks old but in just a couple days the big day will be here when they meet!!! So I wanted to make up a care package type of thing for my husband for when he gets here.....but Im not sure what to put in it...I was thinking some nice sweats to lounge around in since he will be on leave for a few weeks with us (relax time for him but with new baby its going to be different!!) 

So what would you suggest I add to this bundle of stuff for a new dad? Anything you wish you would of had handy during the first new weeks of your babies life?  

Re: Need a Dads Input

  • Well, from what I've read about deployments and military wives, I'm pretty sure you'll cover my usual #1 thing new dads want from their wives plenty well.

     Otherwise, I'd just say the usual stuff. Home cooked meals. Snacks he can't get while
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imageLuckyDad:

    Well, from what I've read about deployments and military wives, I'm pretty sure you'll cover my usual #1 thing new d

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