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Still listening to Skrillex

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Re: Still listening to Skrillex

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  • imageMackalien13:
    Keep it up and Larry will not be meeting you by the fish tanks.

    She already ruined that

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "are you doing birth announcements? if so, what website are you using? or are you DIY?"

    "Well...Being as the two of us having a child would be huge news since we're men and in a world-famous boyband and have been rumored to secretly be in love for three years, our birth announcement would be splashed all over the internet and in the papers and on magazine covers all over the world, including an exclusive spread in People magazine, the proceeds from which we would then donate to charity. Also, if we don't have a female surrogate carry our child and one of us actually carries and delivers it, we inherit Disneyland, per Walt Disney's final wishes laid out in his will. So there's that.If we weren't celebrities, however, we'd probably go with Shutterfly."
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  • Skrillex is amazayn.

    This was from the show I was at last June. 

     <img class="alignnone wp-image-16268" title="Spring-Awakening-Skrillex" alt="Skrillex at Spring Awakening Music Festival" width="539" height="360" style="font-size

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