Hey ladies, I accidentally DD my last insurance post, but this is my question:
I took 11 weeks off for maternity leave but I wasn't eligible for FMLA. My HR director kept me FT as long as possible, but switched me to PRN on 2/28 which meant my health insurance switched to cobra coverage on 3/1, but notification wasnt sent out until 3/19. I went back to work on 3/25 and am immediately eligible for group health insurance again.
During my 3 weeks without health insurance, DD2 had 2 pedi appointments. One billed for 600 to the insurance and one billed for 90 to the insurance. I also had a mirena put in. When my benefits were verified, my ob office was told they would pay nothing. I called and was told the same thing.
On my insurance website, it currently says that all these visits were covered less co pays. Are they going to go back and deny coverage after they agreed to pay for services? If they do deny coverage, will I get a bill from the doctor or From health insurance company?
I haven't decided about cobra yet, but is it prorated since I don't need it for the whole month?
Re: Insurance q againridiculously long
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