Chit Chat

This just happened.

Me:  Ok, girls.  What should we do now?

K:  Watch Melmo.

N:  NO.  Watch Harry.  Beach Harry. 



K:  Yeah, Harry. 

So in the CG household, 1D > Elmo



Unable to even.  


You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

Re: This just happened.

  • I don't see how that conversation could have went any other way.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC since June 2009
    01/10- Femara
    03/10- Femara
    07/2010- Clomid with injectables and IUI #1
    08/2010- IUI #2
    06/2011- IVF #1 BFP!
    09/2011- Miscarriage at 10 1/2 weeks
    11/2011- FET
    01/2012- Start Home Study process
    03/2012- Home Study approved and now waiting on our child to find us!
    07/2012- matched with a BM who is due in October!
    11/10/12- our son is born!
    11/13/12- court grants us custody!
     12/28/12- finalization! Always ours in our hearts, also ours forever


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  • I need your instruction manual so I can raise my kids properly please.

    "I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."



  • Those girls are so smart.  They take after their awesome mother.  One Direction is definitely far superior to Elmo.  I just need to convince DS of this.
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  • That's so cute! Smart girls!

    In the car tonight, K was yelling "HEEEYY KSSSSS YOU! KISS YOU!"   So we listened to it a few times! That is definitely his favorite 1D song.. maybe because I watched that video Betty posted the other day
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