September 2013 Moms

Weight Gain

I went to the doctors yesteday and i have gained 9lbs in a month. Im 16 weeks and didnt gain any weight in the first 3 months. Has anyone else gained a lot of weight suddenly??

Re: Weight Gain

  • I have!! I wasn't gaining any at first, I lost 3 or 4. But I'm 17 weeks now and have gained 8 pounds. I swear it happened in like 2 weeks!

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  • I have an appt. tomorrow and I'm nervous about this too.  At my last appt. I had actually lost weight, but that was when I was still really sick and not eating much of anything.  The past few weeks my all day sickness has gone away and now I am
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  • I haven't gained yet but don't sweat it....totally normal.
  • Gained nothing, even lost about 4 lbs. all of a sudden I've gained all 4 lbs back in 2 weeks! Makes me nervous as I'm a little overweight to begin with... Maybe I should take it easy on the ice cream
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