My DD is 12 weeks old and EBF. I'm worried about dairy in my diet. She's generally happy, fussy at naptime but I think that's normal. She can get kind of gassy but passes it with just a little effort. She's had eczema for a couple weeks, the doc prescribed hydrocortisone on Monday. For a couple days she's had watery, mucusy poops that leak out of her diaper. She fusses for about half an hour before then seems happy to get it out. I've read that could mean food allergy. I have never altered my diet, plenty of all food groups (except nuts, I am allergic). I have had some extra dairy this week though, homemade mac and cheese yum! She had some mucusy poop a few weeks ago but when I mentioned it to DH he said a bottle he gave her looked weird and it seemed like she didn't like the taste. I thought it might have gone bad so I sterilized all my pump supplies again and have started using steam bags regularly.
Can anyone share what their LO's first symptoms were and if this sounds normal or not? Thanks!
Re: First signs of dairy allergy?
My son was fussy and had reflux. But those are all normal things. Once his poop turned bright green and I saw blood then I knew it was not normal.
If there is just some mucus you can try eliminating obvious dai
First symptoms:
-slimy, green poop. I mean GREEN poop, like army green. Sometimes it would fluctuate back to yellow for a while, then get green again.
-very spitty, for the first 5-6 months he spit up a lot after nursing