
Hyperandrogenism and diabetes type 1

In need of some advice!!!

I went to a reproductive endocrinologist for a second opinion after my ob/gyn was ignoring my concerns.

My cycles are long and irregular 4050 days
My endocrinologist found a 2 cm cyst on my ovary
My testosterone was high, 72.1 normal being 8.448.1
My insulin was low 2.9, normal being 6.027.0.
My glucose fasting suggest prediabetes or early diabetes.

My endocrinologist is running more tests but believes it to be PCOS and type 1 diabetes.

Insurance just informed me that they will not cover fertility any further than diagnosis.

I really want a baby and now my options are basically gone!!!! :

Re: Hyperandrogenism and diabetes type 1

  • PCOS and diabetes do not mean you cannot have a baby. You need to work with your RE to get the appropriate treatments arranged. You should see a specialist about your diabetes and make sure that is properly controlled. Because of the PCOS, you may need

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    BFP#3 EDD 12/21/13, Baby Boots born 11/23/13 My rainbow baby!

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