Babies: 3 - 6 Months

learning to sit up

I feel like it was so easy helping my older daughter learn to sit up. For some reason we're having a tougher time with DD2. She's 7 months (5.5 adjusted) and just will not do it. When I put her in a sitting position and try to put a boppy around her waist and still support her, she'll push herself backwards. She only wants to stand or roll around.

What kinds of things can I do to help support her learning to sit up on her own?

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Re: learning to sit up

  • I wouldn't try to "teach" her much. When she's ready it will happen more naturally. If she's 5.5 months adjusted that's pretty young to be sitting up. Even 7 months isn't very old. I would just give her time. Maybe just try to hold her in a sitting positi

  • My LO is the same way.  She hates laying down, mostly because of the AR and she loves to stand.  
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  • Its early yet. She'll do it when she's ready.
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  • Hi, new to this board.  Was on the tri boards a lot but skipped 0-3 due to being busy with holidays, etc.  DS3 turns 4 months next week and has yet to even roll over on his own... ped dr says no worries, he has good neck movement and all babies
  • With everything, every baby is different. 5.5 months is not when you should worry. Your LO will do it when she is ready. You can encourage by having her sitting in the boppy, but don't get frustrated. My LO isn't sitting up on her own just yet, but she

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