I find myself getting so aggravated with anyone other than DH? anyone else or is it just me? My mother has been saying so many mean things to me lately and it just goes right through me! She always says things about me having to have a C-section. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand that this is an option, and I am totally prepared in case it does have to happen but I am going to try for a vaginal birth. Well just now she made a comment "how long do you have to stay in the hospital if you have a C-section now" she has made so many of these comments to me, I kinda flipped! I asked her " why do you think I need to have a C-section, you say it all the time and it really hurts my feelings like you feel like I can't have a vaginal birth?" she said "well Im just saying" I said " has my doctor told you something that she hasn't informed me of yet?" her reply " its just one of those things." REALLY? I had to get off of the phone and vent! lol I just feel so upset and had to get it off my chest! urg!
Re: Really Mom?