April 2013 Moms


Just curious..why is there so many women having inductions instead of waiting it out until their due date letting nature take its course..excluding the medical reasons high bp etc. My OB said if nothing happens a week after due date then I'll be induced.

Re: inductions

  • My doctor wants to induce at 39 weeks because if gestational diabetes. Right now everything looks good. Hoping I go on my own.
  • My induction is scheduled the day after my due date. I have gestational diabetes and I don't need want to push the limits of a big baby.
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  • I have higher blood pressure and baby is not growing ideally- so I am being induced at 38w5d, next Monday. If I didn't have either issue, doc would let me go naturally until 10 days after due date.
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  • Because 39 weeks is the earliest that most OBs will offer it? They used to offer as early as 37 weeks but then found that was causing problems if due dates were slightly miscalculated.

    My OB brought up induction at my 39 week appointment, bu

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  • Big baby preeclampsia
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  • imageYellowLilies:
    I had an induction at 38w4d due to iugr and low fluids. I don't remember reading any posts from april 13 moms c
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  • I am scheduled at 39 weeks due to a blood clotting disorder and being on heparin.
  • I've only seen posts regarding inductions for medical reasons. I was induced for pregnancy hypertension/ pre-e.
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  • Lots of practices offer elective inductions at 39 weeks now, my practice does as well. I'm having to have a c-section, but they did offer me an elective induction at 39 weeks a long time ago.

    I think when they are dangling that carrot in front of

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  • Ivee4Ivee4 member
    My OB is on vacation starting Friday and my MFM (due to twins)  won't let me go past 38 weeks, so tomorrow it is.  I had hoped to let them come naturally because I had such a positive experience with DD but the docs decided otherwise.
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  • I am being induced at 38 1/2 weeks bc LO is borderline IUGR and my doc wants to be safer than sorry. I'm dilated to a 3 at 37 weeks so he is confident that everything will go smoothly. He is also hoping I go before then though and gave me the thumbs up to
  • I really want things to happen naturally (and still could), but if I haven't had the baby by my appt. Mon., my doc said she could induce at 39 weeks (Wed.).  At 36 weeks and 5 days my baby was already measuring 8 lbs. and 5 oz., and found out my doc
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  • Lurker but I had an elective induction with my second so I'll share..

    With my first, I had a medically necessary induction due to iugr so I knew what to expect and I was okay with it.

    I had a favorable cervix going in and was al


  • imagelkm2006:
    Lurker but I had an elective induction with my second so I'll share.. With my first, I had a medically necessary i
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  • imagejaime52005:
    Just curious..why is there so many women having inductions instead of waiting it out until their due date letting
  • I'll be induced at 39 weeks, assuming my cervix is favorable, because I want to be. I charted and am positive on my conception date, which was also confirmed with early ultrasounds. Baby is measuring on target. I've had two previous uncomplicated vagin

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  • I was with DD for no medical reasons. It was a week early. My doc said I was a good candidate with a favorable cervix for it so she said it'd be fine. I had a student with swine flu at the time so I wasn't allowed back at work and I was just sitting ar

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  • imageJSS1002:

    this!  I don't undrestand why people care / are so judgmental about this -- it isn't your body, your baby, or

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  • I have an elective induction scheduled for April 1st (39 weeks).  I haven't posted about it because I don't feel like getting flamed.  But, I have a 3 year old that I need to prepare for and a business with clients and a court schedule that n

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