I am 24 weeks with di/di twin girls. I have had vaginal childbirth with my first two kids and am hoping to do the same with the twins. Baby A is in great position already, head down and on my right side. However, baby B was breach 2 weeks ago and is now very high up in transverse position. Her head is on my left, and her body follows my rib cage, and legs on right. A lot of baby limbs kickin my right ribs. I know I have another month and more for her to get head down, but I am wondering how realistic is that. Anyone else have birthing story's where baby B turned later in pregnancy?
Re: Babies positions
I know all doctors are different, but my doctor told me that as long as baby a was in position, we should be fine. did you talk to your doctor? did they say baby b had to turn? (I know my response doesn't help that much, but now I feel like maybe I did
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!