April 2013 Moms


Here's my little bump picture.    His fanclub is called the nut house hence the "baby nut"   I LOVE Luke Bryan.  I've always been able to get a meet and greet and then this time - the one time I REALLY wanted a picture for the nursery. I missed out.  :(  I was so sad.     I also got several drunk belly rubs that night but my tummy was much smaller then.    You looked adorable in your shirt!


and cause you think he's hot.  Here is my favorite M&G photo.  I die when he takes his hat off and every other M&G I've had he's worn the hat.   This time he came straight from an interview and looked amazing.



Re: ****teddidan****

  • OMG you look adorable!!!! I love that shirt, so cute! I'm so jealous you got to meet him (sounds like multiple times!) Not only is he freaking gorgeous, but his voice is unlike all the other male country singers out right now... It stands out and it's ama
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  • I've been in his fanclub for years.   It's always been very easy to get a M&G with him, even last year on Aldeans tour wasn't bad.   It's basically been the first people to sign up.   It's still that way, but his popul


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  • Ugh, I can't stand Taylor Swift! I liked her when she first started out, but that's when she was sweet and innocent. Lol!

    I've been thinking for a while about signing up for Carrie's fanclub. It's $20 a year or something like that, but you get

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  • Not sure how her presale tickets work but the main reason I keep renewing my LB fanclub membership is that presale tickets are sold through his fanclub store, so you don't pay ticketmaster fees. So as long as we go to one show a year (and we usually do


  • That's a good way to look at it! Plus, you get a free t-shirt with hers and a few other goodies, that alone is worth it! I just always forget until it comes time for a new tour. Lol.

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