Food Allergy

Disposing of old Epipens?

How do you get rid of old epipens?  I've seen several medication drop off sites or drives but they don't take anything with a needle. 

My pharmacy does not take them.  In order to do dispose of them through my city's waste disposal company I have to have them in a medical waste box sealed and I have to pay a fee. 

Re: Disposing of old Epipens?

  • Try taking them to your Dr's office/allergist/hospital and see if they will let you put them in their sharps container.


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  • Ours came with a note to take it to the hospital for disposal.

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  • My husband gives his to a couple who does first aid training.  They use them for demonstrations and to allow people to practice by injecting them into apples to see what it is like.  The man is an EMT so I assume he takes them to work to dispose
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