
Milk allergy

Anyone else have this issue.  Doctor thinks both girls have a milk allergy.  They became covered in eczema head to toe.  One girl has it worse than the other.  She also is super fussy during feedings.  She is already on Prevacid.  Doctor had both girls switch to Nutramigen ( baby that had it worse had been on gentlease).  They have been on it for a week.  No change yet....although i heard it can take several weeks to see improvement.  We may have to move to the mail order formula.  I would love to hear any suggestions or similar stories.  Both girls were put on a steroid for a week to help clear up their skin, but the ezcema has come back after being off the meds.



Re: Milk allergy

  • DD didn't develop ezcema (and even then it was very mild) until she was past 12months and done breastfeeding so I assumed it was a milk allergy.  I switched her to almond milk and things cleared up nicely.  I don't have any experience with ezcem
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  • Have you tried soy formula? I couldn't EBF my oldest, and we used Prosobee with him and had no issues, he's now a healthy and ornery almost 3 year old =)

    We ended up diagnosing a milk allergy in the twins, but I've been able to EBF them, so it wa

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  • We are in a constant battle with DS's eczema.  He was covered head to toe like your LO's at about 3 months.  We found out he was allergic to eggs, peanuts, and soy, and had a dairy intolerance.  We put him on Alimentum formula (swithced fro
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  • My DS3 has MSPI (milk soy protein intolerance) and he had eczema as one of his symptoms.  I was able to remove all dairy and soy from my diet and his skin cleared up.  There is a defnite link between allergies and skin problems. 

    Rachel Mom to 3 boys Augustboy02 - Sensational Sensory Kid Decemberboy04 -former reflux baby Augustboy10 - MFPI baby
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