Hi ladies -
My son is going to be 2 next week. We already have been dealing with texture aversions to veggies and fruit. He will eat the pureed versions of both but won't eat the actual fruit or veggie -- with the exception of banana and roasted cauliflower.
Here is my other concern -- he will feed himself with his hands - cheerios, granola bars, meat and pasta. But when it comes to using a utensil -- he just flat out refuses. He can use a fork just fine but just refuses to use it lately. As far a spoon -- it just doesn't happen. So I end up feeding him half of his meal. I give him a utensil with every meal.
My concern is how long do I let this go on? It is so hard for me to just put the food on his tray and either he eats it or he won't. He is small as it is and I worry if we start missing meals. I am already stressed about the fact that he prefers pureed veggies and fruits still.
Any suggestions? Will he eventually get it?
Re: Two year old won't feed self
My dd is 26 months and she still preferes to eat with her hands. I offer utensils but she eats with her hands. She wont let me feed her. Do not worry, they will get it. I think it takes some time with some kids.
Best of l
I personally just give my kid food and utensils and hope he eats. If not, there's always a meal or snack soon. However, with your child's food aversions + utensil issues, you might consider seeking some help. Early Intervention is
Thanks, ladies! I am so thankful for your responses. I have had him evaluated by early intervention -- twice. And each time they said he didn't qualify for services because he is eating -- just isn't eating what I want him to eat. So we do the whole hi