
Newbie needs support

Hi all

I'm new to this board, and the Bump. I'm 30, my FI is 32 and we are getting married in October (currently live together).

My FI was diagnosed with azoospermia in November. He's had a testicular scan and there are no physical abnormalities, so the doctors think that it could have been caused by his athletic career (he used to use banned substances) or a case of the mumps when he was 16. At the moment three spermiograms have confirmed that no sperm were present in his samples.

Right now we are in a holding pattern-- his Urologist said we need to wait 1 year to see if the steroid effects will dissipate before starting therapy with an RE.

My older sister is pregnant and announced yesterday that she's having a girl and giving the child my name (also a family name) as her middle name. I know this comes up a lot, and I don't think I can "claim" a name-- but this is actually MY name, and ideally I would like the option (and even planned) on using it myself. I haven't said anything because I am genuinely happy for her and don't want to cause problems, but I am upset that she didn't even ask me how I felt about it first before announcing. Advice/experiences appreciated.

Re: Newbie needs support

  • I'm not understanding why you couldn't still use the name since its a middle name. I'd still use it.

    As for your FI troubles. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope the therapy the docs are giving him help.

    TTC#1 since April 2011
    IVF#1 July 2012 5R, 3 made it to blast, sET c/p
    FET#1 Aug 2012 2 blasts transferred BFN
    IVF#2 Oct 2012
    16R/6M/6F/2-8 cell grade 1 transfer
    Beta 1-237.9, Beta 2-566, Beta 3-8657
    US 6w3d shows one baby w/ HB 115
    US 7w1d no more heartbeat/ D&C 11/30/12 normal karyotype
    IVF#3 Mar 2013
    6R/4M/4F 1 compacting and 2-8 cell transfer
    ectopic pg MTX given 3 month break from TTC

    IVF#4 Sept 2013--BFN
    IVF#5-7 Apr 2014, Jun 2014 and Aug 2014 banking embryos for CCS testing. Praying for normals! Image and video hosting by TinyPic imageimage
  • Thanks for the response- you're right we can probably still use it if and when we get a BFP. I do feel weird about that because its an unusual name, but I can't expect my sister's life to wait for my 'imaginary child" to appear.

    I'm probably

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  • I completely understand why you are upset.  Would you feel comfortable discussing it with your sister?  You would have to tell her about your difficulties conceiving, but you could explain that you were planning on using the name for yourself.&n
    11/12 - 4/13 Clomid with no O
    7/13-9/13 Clomid, Ovidrel, and Follistem with IUI all BFN
    Break to lose weight
    3/15- Weightloss surgery

    <a href="" title="Baby Names"><img src="" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
  • From a fellow male factor IFer to another, I just wanted to say that I am sorry for the DX. I understand how hard it is and I am sure waiting a year is not the plan you wanted..and I'm sure it's not "God's plan" either..I hate when people say that ugh!!!
    TTC since June 2011
    DX: DH (30) severe MFI, severely low count & low motility
    Me (32): all clear
    Appt with Urologist 5/21/12: exam, ultrasound, bloodwork all normal.
    Testicular Biopsy with TESE on 6/8/12. good sperm found! (left side only) froze sperm, failed thaw test :(
    Orientation for IVF/ICSI on 6/13/12. Waiting for the green light following biopsy results...results show adequate sperm production both sides.
    2nd SA 6/18/12: sample is "adequate for ICSI"
    Plan: IVF/ICSI July 2012!
    ER: 7/26/12. 15 eggs retrieved, all mature.
    TESE/TESA/aspiration from epididymis, no motile sperm found :(
    froze all eggs, the saga of praying for good sperm continues.
    8/3/12: 2nd opinion from MFI uro on biopsy slides. Suspects "partial late maturation arrest."
    Plan: more SAs, third biopsy/TESE with frozen back-up either from DH or DS.
    SA 8/17/12: Zero sperm
    SA 8/23/12: Zero sperm
    9/26/12: SPERM FOUND! 15 eggs thawed, 12 survived and were ICSI'd, only 3 fertilized normally. Refrozen as embies and will thaw in Nov. Please survive and grow!
    All 3 survived the thaw on 11/15/12!
    FET 11/17/12: transferred 2, one 4B, one 4C. Beta 11/30:BFFN
    moving on to DS
    DIUI#1 2/18/13,50mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta 3/4/13: BFN.
    DIUI#2 3/19/13, 50 mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta #1 (14dpiui) 4/2/13: BFP!!!! 150. Beta #2 4/4/13: 420 Beta #3 4/8/13: 2691. Beta #4 4/15/13: 15,086
    1st u/s 4/8/13 shows one gestational sac
    2nd u/s 4/15/13 shows yolk sac, fetal pole and early heartbeat
    3rd u/s 4/25/13: measuring right on track. Heart rate 148 bpm
    A/S 7/22/13: IT'S A BOY!!
    PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome
    [IMG][/IMG] [IMG]"[/IMG]Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thank you all, I'm so glad that I found this board!

     FI and I live in South Africa, so we're half a world away from my family and friends and I think that made the DX even harder. and i havent really talked/cried about it with anyone before

  • Oh I'm so sorry that you're going through this. IF is an awful thing. I hope you find a way to stay sane. Hugs!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Welcome from another MFI'er.  We are practically azoo as the few sperm DH has can't produce embryos.  Good luck to you.
     36 DH 33 TTC for over 3 years
    First mini-IVF Sept 2011... Only 1 egg! ... BFN
    Switching RE
    IVF#2 May 2012 9 eggs and only 2 sperm, WTH!
    IVF #3 March 2013~Tesa with back-up Donor Sperm,Tesa, unsuccessful used DS~ Chemical :(   

    Switching RE's within practice

    2 frosties waiting for us, November 2013!!!!!   Transferred 2 "average" blasts 11/20/2013
    BFP!!!!!!!  Boy/Girl Twins!!!!!! Due 08/08/2014

    My Blog

    *~God gives his hardest battles to his toughest solders. Unknown.
  • MIF SUCKS. Surprised they are waiting a year since new sperm generates every three months?
    TTC for baby #1 since March 2012 DH SA- ZERO Jan 2013, Low T, started clomid. Up and down swimmies since. Me- Ovulation dysfunction, low progesterone, hormone levels all off
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